Pottery, an ancient invention of mankind and traditionally practiced in Luxembourg and Dubai, is a form of craft that refers to the symbolic idea of human unity. In Julie Conrad's installation, the traditional method of making pottery is reinterpreted through the use of 3D printing.
Inspired by the Péckvillecher, traditional Luxembourg handmade clay whistles in the shape of birds, she designed an installation of a large group of objects using clay from Nospelt.
Reactive to the movements and interaction of visitors, this cloud of objects resonates and immerses the passer-by in a parallel universe. The objects react individually but also as a whole, like a flock of birds, forming a unique melody connecting minds, emphasising auditory and visual sensations. There seems to be no end to the whirring and buzzing. There seems to be no rule to the artefacts' behaviour.
In a world where a million topics and situations vie for our attention, can you keep your calm? Do you take action or do you feel powerless when confronted with today's struggles? Can you gaze at the stars in awe or do you panic when confronted with the endlessness of the universe?
What is this melody that makes Luxembourg soil sing? What stories does it tell us?
Artefacts was developped as part of the exhibition "Mir wëlle bleiwen, wat mir ginn." for the Luxembourgish pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai (held from October 2021 to the end of March 2022).
Producer: Fonds culturel national
Co-producers: Ministère de la Culture, TROIS C-L Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois, Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain, Centre National de l'Audiovisuel (CNA)
Co-producers: Ministère de la Culture, TROIS C-L Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois, Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain, Centre National de l'Audiovisuel (CNA)
With the participation of the Centre National de la Littérature and Luxembourg @ Expo 2020 Dubai GIE
Curators: Bernard Baumgarten and Kevin Muhlen
Artistic Coordination: Stella Arieti, Daniela Del Fabbro, Marielle Kaufmann
Technical Coordination: Leif Heidenreich, Armand Quetsch
Administrative Coordination: Delphine Patz, Jil Spaus
Technical Coordination: Leif Heidenreich, Armand Quetsch
Administrative Coordination: Delphine Patz, Jil Spaus
Collaborateurs & consultants : Eugène Biver, Maida Halilovic, André Conrad, Eric Schanck, Max Schaal, Berl & Cie, Diego García Cuevas, Äerd Lab, Robert Heel, Tasso Mulzer et Florian Machner.
Other members of "Kënschtlerkollektiv", temporary collective for the exhibition "Mir wëlle bleiwen, wat mir ginn.": Adolf El Assal, Guy Helminger, Karolina Markiewicz, Pascal Piron, Simone Mousset, Patrick Muller, Renelde Pierlot
Other members of "Kënschtlerkollektiv", temporary collective for the exhibition "Mir wëlle bleiwen, wat mir ginn.": Adolf El Assal, Guy Helminger, Karolina Markiewicz, Pascal Piron, Simone Mousset, Patrick Muller, Renelde Pierlot
Added to the National Museum of Archaeology, History, and Art Luxembourg (Musée national d'archéologie, d'histoire et d'art (MNAHA))'s permanent collection in 2024.

Photos & Videos:
Julie Conrad Design Studio, Adolf El Hassal, Leif Heidenreich, Hasan Amin.
Julie Conrad Design Studio, Adolf El Hassal, Leif Heidenreich, Hasan Amin.